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Janaya Future Khan: Freedom Fighter

Janaya Future Khan is a social activist, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto, and an international ambassador for the Black Lives Matter Network. They’re also a captivating storyteller, garnering thousands of eager listeners on and offline.

“We’re born into a script…Once you step off script, everything is possible.”

From race, to class, to gender, there isn’t a cause they haven’t tackled, and they’re a fighter in more ways than one.

“There’s not a single person in the world out there like you, and that's the most remarkable thing you could hope for.”

When they’re not engaged in public speaking, organizing uprisings, giving social media sermons, or freedom fighting at protests, they’re known to do a little fighting in the boxing ring. They credit all they learned in the ring with all they’ve accomplished outside of it and cite sport as what helped them discover their personal power and authentic identity.

“There is no rugged individualism in sport. That's why it's one of the greatest equalizers, and to me, one of the spaces of the greatest kinds of possibility, because there's choice.”
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